Meeting in Portugal

This is the project team of an ongoing Erasmus+ project All aboard: Creating a community of green changemakers during childhood. As a part of the project, International Capacity Building of Teachers (CBoT) was held during in Porto 16-17 October. CBoT was organised for teachers from three schools from Turkey, Portugal and Sweden. The aim was to raise teachers awareness on sustainability and to test an e-learning platform created by the project. It was very intensive, inspirational and educational days!
The project team had also project meeting where we discussed the results that we achieved so far, next steps, what is expected from partners. It is one year left for the project All aboard with many activities to be implemented by partners, teachers and children in our partner’s school.
We will also want to spread the project results to more schools. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the project. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. #allaboarderasmus